Printed materials that carry a printed scent – especially scratch and sniff – have always drawn people to smell, look and touch, but have been too costly for most advertisers.

Print-A-Scent has changed all that!  We provide the technology and services to add that extra dimension to your next printed piece.  Our exceptional Scratch ‘N Sniff technology has been enhanced to make Print-A Scent a new leader in the scent business.

Post Cards – Business Cards – Brochures – Bill Inserts – Labels – T-Shirts

We now offer scented materials in very small quantities to huge runs, we will bring your customers face to face with your brochure, post cards, or any printed material.  We can add scent to your pre-printed materials, or we can help you start from scratch with full graphic design and printing services.

An unmatched customer driver company that understands deadlines and can meet all of the toughest demands.  Give us a call, and let us discuss with you the options that you have to make the next Ad the best yet!

Smell has been an overlooked medium in the advertising industry but marketers are now making use of it, as the competition to catch audiences grow more competitive.

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